Material Classification and Application for Acceptance

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Material Classification and Application for Acceptance


Division C - Accepted Materials

Material Classification and Application for Acceptance

Part 1 - General

Section 1.1. Purpose

1.1.1. Accepted Materials and Systems in RoofStar Guarantee Program General

The RoofStar Guarantee Program is comprised of five integral components, explained in The RoofStar™ Guarantee Program:

  • Membership
  • Training
  • Accepted Materials
  • Guarantee Standards
  • Independent Observations

Accepted Materials (also referred to in this Manual as "Materials", "Accepted Products" or simply as "Products") and accepted systems (such as vegetated roof systems) are critical to the integrity of the The RoofStar™ Guarantee Program. Not every material in the marketplace may be specified and installed in a project for which a RoofStar Guarantee is required – only those that are accepted by the RGC qualify for a RoofStar Guarantee.

The RGC accepts materials and systems. The RGC does not approve them, endorse them, recommend them, or promote them. They are "accepted" because they are made by RCABC Member manufacturers who support their materials and systems with a bond. Furthermore, those materials and systems conform to objective, published, accepted criteria, including acceptance criteria specifications published by the RGC. Consequently, acceptance of materials or systems should not be construed as an indication of the quality or performance of other materials not listed in this Manual. Tables and lists in the RPM are not intended for use as a comparison of material performance or quality. It is the sole responsibility of the Design Authority to assess the performance capability and material suitability for specific design requirements.

Applications for material acceptance are received and reviewed three times per calendar year – January, May and September. Applications must be received three weeks in advance of the scheduled Technical Committee meeting, or they will be deferred to the next meeting in the rotation. See the Events Calendar for the next scheduled Technical Committee meetings. Qualified Applicants

Only Members of the Roofing Contractors Association of British Columbia may apply for Material Acceptance in the RoofStar™ Guarantee Program. To become a member of the RCABC, visit our website.

Part 2 - Roofing Materials

Section 2.1. Roofing Material Classification

2.1.1. Material Acceptance Criteria

The RCABC classifies accepted roofing materials (ref. Policy A-041) using three criteria, each with specific Material Application requirements: Primary materials, Secondary materials, and Accessories. Vegetated roofing is classified by system type (extensive, semi-intensive, and intensive), although each constituent material is accepted by the RGC. Primary Roofing Materials

  1. A primary material is a waterproofing or water-shedding material which that is
    1. usually exposed to the weather, and which is
    2. primarily responsible for protecting secondary materials, and the building interior, from water and weather generally.
  2. Membranes, metal panels, or shingles are typical materials classified as primary but the category “primary material” also includes (without limitation)
    1. liquid membrane flashing systems,
    2. vents,
    3. roof drains,
    4. plaza deck drains, and
    5. flashings that enclose penetrations and are integrated with a membrane, metal panel, or shingles.
  3. An application for acceptance of a primary material must be supported by
    1. a manufacturer’s material bond (ref. RGC Policy A-078, “Material Acceptance Agreement”, and
    2. RGC Policy A-055, “Associate Member Commitment” (also see RGC Policy A-006, “Active Member Criteria”).
  4. The following Documentation is the minimum requirements and must accompany form F-090, “Material Acceptance Application”:
    1. Current Technical Data Sheet (TDS); each TDS must be dated and show the current ASTM and or CSA related required tests, including numerical values;
    2. Current application specifications;
    3. Proof of material testing, where required:
      1. For all waterproofing roof membranes, this must include current testing using the test method, CSA-A123.21.
      2. All Tested Assembly reports must be included as a PDF with the application.
    4. Verifiable marketplace installation in at least one location in British Columbia, or in a marketplace similar in climate to British Columbia (climate zones 4 through 8), for a continuous period of no less than two (2) years, ending at the time of application;
    5. Independent inspection reports by an accepted Observation Firm and Observer, confirming the performance of the material named on the "RGC Application for Material Acceptance"; and
    6. Approvals (any and all jurisdictions).
  5. All primary materials must be supported by the manufacturer with a local technical representative. Secondary Roofing Materials

  1. A secondary material is one which forms part of a the waterproofing or water-shedding assembly and which may affect the wind resistance characteristics of the entire assembly, but is not necessarily exposed to the weather.
  2. The term secondary material includes (without limitation)
    1. deck overlays,
    2. roof underlayment,
    3. eave protection,
    4. insulation,
    5. insulation board overlays,
    6. joint tapes,
    7. fasteners and stress plates,
    8. adhesives, and
    9. primers.
  3. The following Documentation is the minimum requirements and must accompany form F-090, “Material Acceptance Application”:
    1. A current Technical Data Sheet (TDS),
    2. Current installation/application specifications,
    3. Material testing, demonstrating that the product conforms to generally accepted industry standards (valid testing must be noted on the current, valid Technical Data Sheet), and
    4. Verifiable marketplace installation in British Columbia, over a period of no less than two (2) years, ending at the time of application (Note: this can be supplemented by marketplace ‘experience’ in similar regions, for the same specified period of time, but BC marketplace data is required). Roofing Accessories

  1. A roof system accessory is a material that joins primary or secondary materials together or is connected to/with a primary material or secondary material but does not by its nature (apart from its installation) directly affect the water or wind resistance of the waterproofing or water-shedding assembly.
  2. The term accessory may include (without limitation)
    1. caulking,
    2. sealants, and
    3. mastics.
  3. Roof system accessories currently are not ‘accepted’ in the RoofStar Guarantee Program. However, manufacturers or suppliers wishing to have their accessories listed in Division C of the "RCABC Roofing Practices Manual" must, as a condition for listing, provide the RGC with
    1. a current Technical Data Sheet (TDS),
    2. material testing, demonstrating that the product conforms to generally accepted industry standards (valid testing must be noted on the current, valid Technical Data Sheet), and
    3. current installation/application specifications.

Section 2.2. Roofing Material Acceptance Criteria

2.2.1. General Purpose

Acceptance Criteria created by the RGC (Guarantor) are intended solely to establish objective requirements for materials used in the RoofStar™ Guarantee Program (property of the RCABC Guarantee Corp. (RGC)) through which the RGC issues the RoofStar Guarantee for waterproofing and water-shedding systems. Materials used in the construction of waterproofing or water-shedding systems must be accepted by the RGC (Refer to other resources on this page or in this Manual, as they related to acceptance criteria and the application and approval process). RGC Acceptance Criteria are made available only as part of the administrative acceptance process for the RoofStar Guarantee Program, for products manufactured by Associate Members of the RCABC. Use of this Acceptance Criteria for any other purpose than that which is stated above shall be at the sole discretion of the user and is not endorsed or condoned by the RGC. Furthermore, this Acceptance Criteria, and the term “accepted”, shall not be construed as a measure of a material’s efficacy or its suitability for any application outside the RoofStar Guarantee Program, nor shall it be construed to mean that the Guarantor endorses a product conforming to the requirements set out in this document.

RGC Acceptance Criteria provide guidelines for the material and performance characteristics to which an accepted material must conform. Acceptance is confirmed by the Guarantor through a review of the applicant’s submission and is finally endorsed by the RGC Board of Directors. Accepted materials are periodically reviewed by the RGC for conformity to these criteria, and acceptance may be revoked at any time should the product change so that it no longer conforms.

RGC Acceptance Criteria documents are evaluated periodically by the RGC Technical Committee, which meets throughout the year. The RGC reserves the right under policy to change Acceptance Criteria at any time, and any changes to this Acceptance Criteria shall be effective on the date shown on each Criteria document. Changes will be highlighted for a period of twelve (12) months. Previous versions of this Acceptance Criteria can be requested in writing from the Guarantor.

In the event that a product listed in the RoofStar Guarantee Program is rendered non-conforming by a change in an Acceptance Criteria, the manufacturer will have up to twelve (12) months from the date of the change to conform to the Acceptance Criteria and resubmit the material for acceptance by the RGC. Non-conforming materials will be removed from the RoofStar Guarantee Program.

The following RGC Acceptance Criteria specifications are available for download and are referenced in one or more Standards published in this Manual. Submitters presenting applications to the RGC for material acceptance must use the RGC Application forms (F-090 or F-090 VRS) for Material Acceptance, available in Part 5 below.

2.2.2. Acceptance Criteria Specifications Acceptance Criteria for Roof Waterproofing System materials

  1. RGC ACWP-MOD, "RGC ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA for MANUFACTURED POLYMER-MODIFIED, REINFORCED BITUMINOUS SHEET MEMBRANES Used in Roof Waterproofing and Grade-level Waterproofing Systems" Acceptance Criteria for Roof Water-Shedding System materials

  2. RGC ACWS-ASH, "RGC ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA for INORGANIC FIBREGLASS-REINFORCED ASPHALT SHINGLES Used in Water-shedding Systems" Acceptance Criteria for Roof Grade-level Waterproofing System materials

Under development

Part 3 - Vegetated Roof Systems

Section 3.1. Classification and Basis of Acceptance

3.1.1. Categories

Vegetated Roof Systems are classified in three broad categories: Extensive Systems, Semi-intensive Systems, and Intensive Systems. There are no ‘hard and fast’ ways to define these, but there are principles and parameters that help the reader to understand what each category means. What is explained below is borrowed from both the “RGC Standard for Vegetated Roofs” (the Standard) and the Notes for the Standard. Extensive Vegetated Roof Systems

  1. The term Extensive Vegetated Roof, "extensive green roof", and variations thereof, refers to a relatively light-weight green roof that is often inaccessible, is typically shallow (growing media no deeper than 203.2 mm (8”), is comprised of limited plant diversity (often, plant species of the same genus), and requires minimal maintenance (adapted from the Standard, Article Defined Terms).
  2. When extensive vegetated roof systems are comprised of either pre-grown trays or mats, both the vegetated roof system manufacturer and the RGC jointly agree to cover the vegetation (as described on the Guarantee Certificate and in Article of Division A). The system manufacturer’s warranty is the primary responder to any claim for inadequate surface coverage, and for any failure of the system components. Semi-Intensive Vegetated Roof Systems

  1. The term semi-intensive green roof (also referred to as "semi-intensive vegetated system", "semi-intensive assembly", or "semi-intensive") means a mid-weight, moderate height green roof that may be accessible to people, is generally of moderate depth (growing media depth ranging from 152.4 mm (6”) to 355.6 mm (14”), is typified by increased plant diversity, and requires moderate maintenance (adapted from the Standard, Article Defined Terms). Intensive Vegetated Roof Systems

  1. The term intensive green roof (Also referred to as "intensive vegetated roof system", "intensive assembly", or "intensive") means a heavier green roof that is usually accessible to people, is generally deep (growing media greater than 355.6 mm (14”)), supports a very diverse plant profile that may include trees, and requires considerable maintenance (adapted from the Standard, Article Defined Terms). Hybrid Vegetated Roof Systems

  1. Hybrid green roof systems combine a green roof system (usually extensive) with water retention or detention, either captured in purpose-made materials or free-standing in a reservoir beneath the green roof.
  2. Hybrid systems are permitted only on protected membrane roof assemblies and while some manufacturers offer them on conventionally insulated roofs, they must be redesigned to conform to the RGC Standard or submitted to the Guarantor for consideration under a written Variance.
  3. Roof membrane selection is a key point of consideration for these systems, since hydrostatic pressures may be higher than those expected on any other iteration of a protected roof. Other Systems

  1. The category "Other Systems" simply refers to green roofs that may be designed for purposes other than (or in addition to) their usual functions, such as stormwater management (For example, some vegetated systems are designed by the manufacturer as ballast for a photovoltaic assembly).
  2. While the RGC does not accept photovoltaics as a system or materials covered by a RoofStar Guarantee, the vegetated roof system itself can be accepted and is listed in the Manual under the category heading, "Other Systems."

3.1.2. Systems and Materials Systems Proprietary to Manufacturer

  1. Vegetated roof systems must be produced, distributed, and warrantied by a vegetated roof system manufacturer.
  2. A vegetated roof system manufacturer is defined in the Standard as “an Associate or Affiliate member of the RCABC who manufactures the vegetated roof system”, but when the vegetated roof system manufacturer is an Affiliate member of the RCABC, the Affiliate Member must obtain and provide to the roofing Contractor (RCABC Active Member) “a formalized single source warranty agreement with a roof system manufacturer who is an Associate member of the RCABC).
  3. A single source warranty agreement “means an agreement between an RCABC Associate member and an RCABC Affiliate member, in which the Associate member permits the Affiliate member’s vegetated roof system on the Associate member’s primary roof covering without compromising coverage under the RoofStar Guarantee Program.
  4. A single source warranty agreement may be a standing agreement with a manufacturer, or it may be project-specific.
  5. For a single source warranty agreement to be valid, the agreement must be formalized and the signed, dated document shall form part of the Guarantor’s records.

3.1.3. Warranties Vegetated Roof System Manufacturer Warranties

  1. The vegetated roof system manufacturer’s warranty forms the primary basis of coverage under the RoofStar Guarantee Program and is required for a project intended to qualify for a RoofStar Vegetated Roof Guarantee.

Part 4 - Labeling and Branding

Section 4.1. General

4.1.1. Product Criteria

Product labeling impacts both RCABC membership requirements and the way in which the material application is considered for acceptance. The RoofStar Guarantee Program uses the criteria explained below for the evaluation and acceptance of materials. Branded (or Proprietary) Materials

  1. Branded, or "proprietary", is the term used to indicate that a product has been made by, and labeled exclusively with the name of, the manufacturer.
  2. These products are packaged with the explicit identification of the manufacturer, they have been tested by the manufacturer, and the technical data sheet will show that the manufacturer has undertaken this Due Diligence.
  3. When a material is said to be branded, the manufacturer carries the liability for the product and, as such, the material bond attaches to any of the manufacturer’s products accepted for use in the RoofStar Guarantee Program. Private Labeled Materials

  1. The term “private labeled” means a product manufactured by one company for another manufacturer, distributor, or installer (the distributor or seller), and where the product packaging (and on the product itself, if the product is amenable to labeling) shows only the name of the distributor or seller.
  2. When a material is said to be private labeled, the material specifications may be substantively different from those of its ‘cousin’ product; it is the distributor or seller whose name the private labelled material carries, not the original manufacturer,
    1. who is legally liable for the product, and
    2. who is responsible for testing.
  3. The technical data sheet will carry only the distributor’s or seller’s name on it, as if they had manufactured it, which means the actual manufacturer’s material bond will not attach to the product, should it fail.
  4. For private labeled materials, a new material application is required, regardless of the manufacturer or the material’s similarities to an Accepted Material. Furthermore, all bond requirements apply to the distributor or seller regardless of who manufactured the product. Co-Branded Materials

  1. The term “co-branded” means products labeled both with the manufacturer’s name and with the name of a distributor/installer who wishes to use it for advertising.
  2. When a material is said to be co-branded,
    1. the material packaging identifies the manufacturer (though perhaps not always exclusively), and
    2. the manufacturer pays for the tests and is fully liable for any product failures, which means the material bond posted by the manufacturer attaches to a co-branded product.
  3. For manufacturers whose product already has acceptance in the RoofStar Guarantee Program, no new Accepted Material application is required for an identical co-branded product.
  4. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the RGC reserves the right to examine the technical data of a co-branded product to verify its acceptability.

Part 5 - Acceptance and Changes

Section 5.1. General

5.1.1. Application Process General Requirements

The RGC provides simplified, transparent options for applying for material and system acceptance. Every applicant must ensure that they have already completed the basic administrative forms and signed the appropriate policies.

Most applicants submit an application for acceptance of a new product – something that has not already been accepted by the RGC. However, accepted materials or systems sometimes undergo a name change, or they are discontinued and replaced. It may also happen that a Member has produced a new product substantially similar to one already accepted by the RGC and is promoted by the manufacturer as an improvement. All of these options are covered in this Part.

When is a new application required by the RGC? A product or system that is not replacing a material or system already accepted by the RGC is considered a new material or system and therefore must be submitted for acceptance by the Guarantor with a completed set of forms, either as a new Member (See Sub-section 4.1.3.) or as an existing RCABC Member (Sub-section 5.1.3.).

5.1.2. All RCABC Member Manufacturers General

  1. Applications for material acceptance will be handled on the basis of “first come, first served”, but the RGC Administration reserves the right to cap the number of applications and give priority to new material applications.
  2. Documents, including but not limited to Technical Data Sheets, Application (installation) Guides, and third-party field reviews, must not be locked or password protected; locked or password protected documents will be rejected and the application package will be labelled "Incomplete".
  3. Unsigned forms constitute an incomplete application and will be rejected by the RGC.
  4. To use the forms linked below,
    1. Download and save a blank copy to your computer or server,
    2. Reopen the file with Adobe Acrobat or another PDF reading/writing program to activate the fillable field function,
    3. Complete the form and save it, and
    4. Submit completed forms electronically to the RoofStar Guarantee Program and indicate “New Material Acceptance application” in the Subject line. RCABC Policies

  1. Acceptance of materials and systems for installation in a project covered by a RoofStar Guarantee or RoofStar Vegetated Roof Guarantee, is governed by RCABC policies.
  2. Every Associate Member manufacturer making application for acceptance of a new waterproofing or water-shedding material or system agrees to abide by the following RCABC policies and must complete and submit RCABC Policy A-078, "Material Acceptance Agreement" (one time only, unless a signed updated version is required).
    1. RCABC Policy A-041, "Material Acceptance Criteria",
    2. RCABC Policy A-078,"Material Acceptance Agreement", and
    3. RCABC Policy A-055, "Associate Member Commitment."
  3. Every Associate or Affiliate Member manufacturer making application for acceptance of a new vegetated roof system agrees to abide by the following RCABC policies and must complete and submit Policy A-078 (one time only, unless a signed updated version is required):
    1. RCABC Policy A-041, "Material Acceptance Criteria",
    2. RCABC Policy A-078,"Material Acceptance Agreement", and
    3. RCABC Policy A-055, "Associate Member Commitment."
  4. In addition to the policies listed in Sentence (3), every Affiliate Member of the RCABC who manufactures an accepted vegetated roof system must abide by Policy A-316, "Affiliate Membership Criteria."
  5. Member copies of RCABC policies can be procured from RCABC Member Services. Bonding

  1. All primary materials, and all vegetated roof systems, must be covered by an annually-renewable bond procured by the RCABC Member manufacturer and presented to the RGC for safekeeping in the Member's records.
  2. Member bonding is covered by RCABC Policy A-080, "Material Bond"; see the bond amount requirements in RCABC Policy A-078 for Associate Members, and RCABC Policy A-316 for Affiliate Members (with respect to vegetated roof systems).
  3. Bonds will be exercised only if and when an RCABC Member manufacturer defaults in their obligations under RCABC policy to respond to a claim against the manufacturer's material or system, when that material or system is part of a project covered by a RoofStar Guarantee or RoofStar Vegetated Roof Guarantee. Forms for Water-proofing and Water-shedding Systems and Materials

  1. In addition to the policies listed in Article, the following forms specifically relate to applications for acceptance of materials and systems used in waterproofing and water-shedding projects:
    1. RGC Application for Material Acceptance (Form F-090) (fillable, submitted with each application):
      1. For F-090 is used to list all the materials or systems submitted for review and acceptance.
      2. Each Form F-090 must be signed, dated, and fully supported by the documentation listed on the respective form; incomplete documentation may result in the rejection of an application.
    2. Product History (Fillable Template, 11x17) (fillable, submitted with each application) Forms for Vegetated Roof Systems

  1. In addition to the policies listed in Article, the following forms pertain to applications for acceptance of vegetated roof systems and their component materials:
    1. RGC Application for VRS System & Material Acceptance (Form F-090 VRS) NEW
      1. Form F-090 VRS is used to list all the materials or systems submitted for review and acceptance.
      2. Each Form F-090 VRS must be signed, dated, and fully supported by the documentation listed on the respective form; incomplete documentation may result in the rejection of an application.
    2. Product History (Fillable Template, 11x17) (fillable, submitted with each application) Applications by RCABC Manufacturers of Current Accepted Materials or Systems

  1. RCABC Members whose materials or systems are already accepted by the RGC and listed in Division C of the RPM do not need to resubmit signed policies or forms that constitute a first-time application (unless those policies have been renewed and a new commitment by the Member is required).
  2. All applications for the acceptance of water-proofing or water-shedding materials or systems must include the following forms:
    1. RGC Application for Material Acceptance (Form F-090) (fillable, submitted with each application)
    2. Product History (Fillable Template, 11x17) (fillable, submitted with each application)
  3. All applications for the acceptance of vegetated roof systems must include the following forms:
    1. RGC Application for VRS System & Material Acceptance (Form F-090 VRS) NEW
    2. Product History (Fillable Template, 11x17) (fillable, submitted with each application)

5.1.3. Application Review and Acceptance Product and System Samples

  1. At least one product sample must accompany an application for acceptance of a new material submitted for examination by the RGC Technical Committee.
  2. Samples must be submitted with an application for acceptance. Failure to supply a sample may result in the rejection of the application. Administrative Review Process

  1. Applications for Material Acceptance are reviewed by the RCABC Technical Department of the RoofStar Guarantee Program; questions about the application process or acceptance criteria can be directed to the RoofStar Guarantee Program via email, or by calling (604) 882-9734.
  2. The RCABC Technical Department occasionally processes acceptance of materials or systems under its administrative powers, for materials or systems that do not require formal review and consent by the RGC Technical Committee or the RGC Board of Directors, and administrative acceptance is granted at the discretion of the RCABC Technical Department and is subject to operational policy. RGC Technical Committee

  1. Each completed application is reviewed by the RCABC Technical Department and subsequently presented to the RGC Technical Committee, which accepts or rejects the application.
  2. The RGC Technical Committee reports to the to the RGC Board of Directors and recommends acceptance or rejection of each material or assembly it reviews.
  3. The RGC Technical Committee meets three times per year to review applications for acceptance - January, May, and October. Cut-off dates for applications are published in the RCABC Calendar of Events on the RCABC website. RGC Board of Directors

  1. Final acceptance of a material or system rests with the RGC Board of Directors, which meets several weeks after each of the RGC Technical Committee Meetings.
  2. Once a material or system has been accepted by the Board, the RCABC Technical Department lists the materials or systems in Division C of the RPM.
  3. If the applicant is a new RCABC Member, listing of accepted materials or systems will be on a new Member page in Division C.
  4. Any questions concerning the listing of materials or systems in Division C should be directed to the RCABC Technical Department.

5.1.4. Names Changes, Substitutions, and Discontinued Materials or Systems General

A change of product name, the introduction of a new product that is similar to one already accepted by the RGC, or products that have been discontinued, all can materially affect the RoofStar Guarantee Program. The Guarantor manages those potential risks with the following guidelines and procedures, all which support RCABC Policy A-055, “Associate Member Commitment” and Policy A-316, “Affiliate Membership Criteria”. Name Changes

  1. When a manufacturer notifies the Guarantor that an accepted material has been renamed, or when the Guarantor discovers that an accepted material has been renamed, the manufacturer must immediately support that claim with a new technical data sheet verifying that only the name has changed.
  2. A name change that is not supported by the manufacturer’s published technical literature will be deleted from result in the deletion of the product from the RoofStar Guarantee Program and Division C of the RPM. Substitutions or Additions

  1. All applications for substitution or additions shall follow the typical process for a new material application.
  2. When an RCABC Member manufactures a material or system that replaces a material or system already accepted by the RGC, and the replacement material or system is said to be equivalent to the old one, the RCABC Technical Department may grant the applicant permission to apply for acceptance through a shorter application process without requiring either documented marketplace experience or a formal review and acceptance by the RGC Technical Committee:
    1. The shorter application process for the acceptance of materials is governed by RCABC Policy A-041 and is limited to materials offered by the manufacturer as
      1. a substantially equivalent substitution for a material currently accepted for use in the RoofStar Guarantee Program, but which has been discontinued from production by the manufacturer,
      2. an improved replacement for a material already accepted for use in the RoofStar Guarantee Program, or
      3. an improved material substantially similar to, and intended as an addition to, a material already accepted for use in the RoofStar Guarantee Program.
    2. To apply for a material substitution or addition, each RCABC Member manufacturer must (through its representative)
      1. submit an F-090 Application form (requiring the RCABC Member manufacturer to provide a detailed explanation of the product changes or improvements) and make a declaration in the space provided, that the new material or system is substantially equivalent to the material or system it will replace or will improve upon and complement,
      2. submit the technical data sheets and other required documentation (independent test reports, if required by an RGC Acceptance Criteria specification), both for any discontinued product or system, and for newly submitted materials, and
      3. submit test data from a qualified lab/facility (where testing is required), demonstrating that the new material or system has met or exceeded specific test requirements (for example, that a sheet membrane has been tested under CSA-A123.21, or that a vegetated roof systems has been tested under CSA-A123.24).
    3. Applications utilizing the shorter application process will be reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Guarantor, and decisions presented to the RGC Technical Committee only for information purposes.
    4. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Guarantor reserves the right to reject the applicant’s claims and to require an applicant to submit a full application complete with a marketplace product history. Material Discontinuance

  1. A manufacturer who has discontinued production or distribution of a material accepted by the RGC must, under the terms of RCABC Policy A-041, “Material Acceptance Criteria”, forthwith notify the Guarantor of that product’s discontinuance, at which time the Guarantor will remove it from its listing in Division C of the RPM.

© RCABC 2025
RoofStarTM is a registered Trademark of the RCABC.
No reproduction of this material, in whole or in part, is lawful without the expressed permission of the RCABC Guarantee Corp.