SBS Single-Ply Membranes

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SBS Single-Ply Membranes

Division C - Accepted Materials

Roofs: SBS Single-Ply Membranes

Accepted Materials for a RoofStar Guarantee

The tables and products shown below provide basic material data and links to more information about the materials, including manufacturers' published Technical Data sheets, but this information is not intended for use as a comparison of material performance or quality. It is the sole responsibility of the Design Authority to assess the performance capability and material suitability for specific design requirements.

The materials listed are those which have been accepted by the RoofStar Guarantee Program (RCABC Guarantee Corp., or RGC) for use in a roof or grade-level waterproofing system that will qualify for a RoofStar Guarantee. The acceptance of these materials by the RGC (RoofStar Guarantee Program) in no way reflects on the quality or performance of other materials not listed.

The materials and guideline specifications are listed under the name of the manufacturer and/or supplier of the primary membrane material, with the exception of BUR membranes for which the reader will find RoofStar Guarantee Program guidelines on traditional built-up roofing systems (BUR) incorporating organic and glass felt primary membranes.

Click on a manufacturer's name to see the full list of their products accepted for use in the RoofStar Guarantee Program
Manufacturer Product Name System Test Type (Wind) Nominal Membrane Thickness (mm) Approximate Weight (Kg/m2) Reinforcement Material Reinforcement Material Weight (g/m2) Application
GAF Ruberoid® HW Plus Granule FR Membrane
GAF Ruberoid® Mop Granule Membrane
GAF Ruberoid® HW Granule FR Membrane
Siplast Parafor 50 LT
Siplast Parafor 50 TG

Accepted Materials


© RCABC 2025
RoofStarTM is a registered Trademark of the RCABC.
No reproduction of this material, in whole or in part, is lawful without the expressed permission of the RCABC Guarantee Corp.