Materials by Product Category
Materials by Product Category
Division C - Accepted Materials
Materials by Product Category
ACCEPTED MATERIALS and SYTEMS for a RoofStar 5-year Guarantee, RoofStar 10-year Guarantee, or for a RoofStar 15-year Guarantee.
Many material pages are missing acceptance dates; this is a carry-over from a prior iteration of the RPM, in which those dates were not recorded. If the date is missing, it is usually shown with the acronym "TBD" (To Be Determined). You may also search for RoofStar Accepted Materials by Finally, note that those RoofStar Accepted Materials which have been tested for wind uplift resistance can be found through links on the Main Page of the RPM. |
NOTE: Primers, cleaners, sealants, mastics, adhesives, fasteners, and all other similar products necessary to construct a roof system, are not expressly accepted by the RGC and therefore are not listed in this Manual. However, they must be proprietary to, or acceptable for use by, the manufacturer of the primary material. Where Tested Assemblies are concerned, the precise products listed in the test report must be used, unless expressly permitted by the manufacturer. |
Primary Materials:
1 SBS Polymer-Modified Bituminous Membranes
2 APP Polymer-Modified Bituminous Membranes
3 EPDM Membranes
Primary Materials:
Membranes Cont.
4 TPO Membranes
5 PVC Membranes
6 Fluid-applied Membranes
7 BUR Systems
Primary Materials:
8 Liquid Membrane Flashing Systems
9 Drains and Penetration Flashings
Secondary Materials:
Insulation & Overlays
ACCEPTED MATERIALS and SYTEMS for a RoofStar 5-year Guarantee, RoofStar 10-year Guarantee, or for a RoofStar 15-year Guarantee.
Many material pages are missing acceptance dates; this is a carry-over from a prior iteration of the RPM, in which those dates were not recorded. If the date is missing, it is usually shown with the acronym "TBD" (To Be Determined). You may also search for RoofStar Accepted Materials by Finally, note that those RoofStar Accepted Materials which have been tested for wind uplift resistance can be found through links on the Main Page of the RPM. |
NOTE: Primers, cleaners, sealants, mastics, adhesives, fasteners, and all other similar products necessary to construct a roof system, are not expressly accepted by the RGC and therefore are not listed in this Manual. However, they must be proprietary to, or acceptable for use by, the manufacturer of the primary material. Where Tested Assemblies are concerned, the precise products listed in the test report must be used, unless expressly permitted by the manufacturer. |
Primary Materials:
1 SBS Polymer-Modified Bituminous Membranes
2 PVC Membranes
Primary Materials:
Membranes Cont.
3 Butyl Membranes
4 Fluid-applied Membranes
Primary Materials:
5 Liquid Membrane Flashing Systems
6 Drains and Penetration Flashings
ACCEPTED MATERIALS and SYTEMS for a RoofStar 5-year Guarantee, RoofStar 10-year Guarantee, or for a RoofStar 15-year Guarantee.
Many material pages are missing acceptance dates; this is a carry-over from a prior iteration of the RPM, in which those dates were not recorded. If the date is missing, it is usually shown with the acronym "TBD" (To Be Determined). You may also search for RoofStar Accepted Materials by Finally, note that those RoofStar Accepted Materials which have been tested for wind uplift resistance can be found through links on the Main Page of the RPM. |
NOTE: Primers, cleaners, sealants, mastics, adhesives, fasteners, and all other similar products necessary to construct a roof system, are not expressly accepted by the RGC and therefore are not listed in this Manual. However, they must be proprietary to, or acceptable for use by, the manufacturer of the primary material. Where Tested Assemblies are concerned, the precise products listed in the test report must be used, unless expressly permitted by the manufacturer. |
Primary Materials:
Asphalt Shingles/ASM
Primary Materials:
1 Cedar Shingles & Shakes/Tiles/Slate
2 Drains and Penetration Flashings
Secondary Materials:
3 Asphalt Shingle and Cedar Systems
4 Architectural Sheet Metal (ASM) Systems
Secondary Materials:
Insulation & Overlays
© RCABC 2024
RoofStarTM is a registered Trademark of the RCABC.
No reproduction of this material, in whole or in part, is lawful without the expressed permission of the RCABC Guarantee Corp.